Southeast Asia Eco and Adventure Travel Experts » In the UK call +44 (0) 161 791 4748
SEA Adventure

Sports & Adventure

Whatever your passion (short of luge or snow skiing) Southeast Asia has it. Cycle through the farmlands, forests and rural villages of Indochina. Kayak the mighty rivers of the Mekong basin. Trek though the jungles of Borneo, visiting Dayak longhouses as you go. White water raft the rapids of Thailand, Sulawesi or the Philippines. Southeast Asia is truly an adventure playground.

  • Travel Vietnam
  • Travel Thailand
  • Travel Philippines
  • Travel Papua New Guinea


The Red Ape Trail
The Red Ape trail is a remote trekking route in one of the few remaining orangutan habitats left in Borneo that has been established in cooperation with the Orangutan Foundation.


Komodo, Alor, Nusa Tenggara Dive Cruises
Komodo is a World Heritage site best known for its most ancient inhabitant, the infamous Komodo Dragon, however it also boasts one of the world's richest marine environments. Being a National Park, no accommodation is available on the islands so the best way to visit is on a dive cruise.


Challenge of the 9 Dragons: The Mekong Delta by Mountain Bike - Saigon to Phnom Penh
Cylce the tracks and trails of the verdant Mekong Delta through southern Vietnam and Cambodia.


Chiang Mai to Bangkok Cycle Ride
From the mountains of North Thailand to the temple-filled plains of Central Thailand, the Chiang Mai to Bangkok by Bike ride winds the through the mountains and through the central highlands, home to ancient Khmer temples.