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Cycling Southeast Asia

Cycling is an excellent way to explore the countries of Southeast Asia -- no plate glass between you and what you are experiencing, unavoidable interaction with the local people wherever you go, the smells and sounds of Asia all around you.

Bicycles also enable you to get away from the traffic and the main roads where most of the rapid development in these fast modernising countries is concentrated, taking you deeper into the rural country where life's rhythms follow a more traditional beat.

Across Southeast Asia, the concept of personal space and privacy is much less important than in the West, so visitors are always welcome and, indeed, your appearance will add spice to the routines of normal life. As you ride through villages, orchards, and farmlands expect children to run out to greet you, waving and calling excitedly, and for their parents to invite you into their homes to enjoy a cup of local tea or perhaps something stronger.

Symbiosis has surveyed many great cycle routes and continues to discover new tracks and trails that get you further and further away from mainstream tourist traps. Come and join us. Enjoy the sunshine and smiles of Asia.