Philippines Sports & Adventure

Choose where you sleep
- Lagen Island Resort
- Miniloc Island Resort
It is the scenic landscape, crystal clear waters, and relative isolation that attracts and fascinates most visitors to El Nido. The 45 islands and islets and the surrounding sea present endless opportunities for adventure, nature appreciation, and even just simple pleasures.
The El Nido Resorts, Lagen and Miniloc, offers a wide range of activities, from soft adventure sports to more leisurely pursuits. All activities are arranged according to your preferences.
Among the activities included in the package are:
Kayak at your leisure around Lagen island: Paddle your way to nature’s wonders at your leisure. Use of special sea kayaks, and regular kayaks are available at the Marine Sports Centre.
Kayak in the Small Lagoon: “Truly Spectacular” describes the natural wonder that awaits those who kayak into the Small Lagoon. Spend time with a loved one or a new friend while enjoying your private adventure, surrounded by the towering limestone cliffs of El Nido.
Guided tour of the Big Lagoon at Miniloc Island. Take one of the resorts outrigger banca boats to Miniloc Island and explore one of nature’s wonders at your leisure. The more adventurous can even do some rock jumping.
Hike & Kayak at Lagen: Take an invigorating walk amongst the giant trees and lush rainforest where you might see a monkey, Palawan Hornbill and other wondrous flora and fauna, and end up at a beautiful cove on the west coast of the island. You may also choose a 15-minute kayak ride back to the resort. A great aerobic workout!
Snorkel at Miniloc House Reef: Take the plunge! Guests are encouraged to snorkel from Miniloc’s pier where hundreds of coral fish and giant Jackfish swim around our house reef. You can be adventurous and explore them on your own, or be accompanied by a Marine Sports Guide. A complete line of snorkeling equipment may be used for free on a first come first serve basis.
Swim with 1 metre Jackfish. Right on Miniloc’s doorstep, the long dock where guests are welcomed, guests can snorkel alongside 3-foot long Jackfish and hundreds of sergeant majors, damsel fish, fusiliers, and other multi-colored tropical fishes.
Explore Cudugnon Cave, one of El Nido’s stunning geological formations which archaeologists believe was used as a burial site during Neolithic times. This ancient cave was formed by million years of weathering action that hollowed out large portions of the emergent limestone layers.
Sunbathe at any of over 100 private locations readily accessible from Lagen Resort. Enjoy the privacy and the environment and return to the resort at your leisure.
Photograph Snake Island’s sandbar. El Nido has many unique features, including Vigan Island, also known as Snake Island because of its winding white “snake’s tail” of sand. Island Hopping includes a visit to Snake Island as well as other interesting sites.
Massage: Soothe your senses or pamper a loved one with a relaxing body massage in the beachfront sala. The spectacular views make this a truly unique experience. It's the perfect end to a day of activity at Lagen Resort.
Spa Treatments: Achieve the highest state of relaxation for your mind and body with our variety of Asian and European spa treatments amidst the relaxing setting of El Nido.
Other activities
- Hobie - cat sailing
- Birdwatching
- Pedal boating
- Relaxing at Dibuluan Beach Club
- Coconut hat making
- Mangrove tour
- Stargazing
- Jack feeding at Miniloc Island