Philippines Journalism & Writing

Choose where you sleep
The Ati-Atihan Festival is the wildest among Philippine fiestas and considered the Mother of All Philippine festivals. Celebrants paint their faces with black soot and wear bright, outlandish costumes as they dance in revelry during the last three days of this two week-long festival. Catholics and non-Catholics alike observe this special day with processions, parades, dancing, and merrymaking.
Led by veteran foreign correspondent Greg Hutchinson (Financial Times, Sydney Morning Herald, South China Morning Post, amongst others) and one of Asia's top professional photographers, the Symbiosis Ati-Atihan adventure includes trekking to remote hilltribe villages, kayaking and rafting on mountain rivers, 4-WD travel over dirt roads and mountain biking*, all the while learning the tricks of the journalism trade from the very best in Asia.
There is a modest range of accommodation in Kalibo: visitors are advised to book reservations well before the Ati-Atihan.
* Note: Participants may opt out of Biking and rafting if they wish