Indonesia Spas & Well Being

Choose where you sleep
For centuries European artists, especially painters, have been coming to Bali to soak in the heady air of complete artistic dedication that is the unique character of the Balinese people. Nowhere else will you find such a diversity of creative skills expressed by so few -- and the "Island of the Gods" could not be a more conducive location.
The Arisans of Bali trip is designed to provide an insight into the significance of art to the Balinese, in everyday practice and in an historical context. This is an artists trip to an island society where aesthetism and religion are so inseperable and all pervading such that nothing in Balinese life is not celebrated by a fusion of art and worship.
During our stay there will be sessions for painting, plus opportunities to learn and feel at first hand the cutural, spiritual and contempory significance of Balinese arts including stone carving; weaving; batik; wood carving and Kamasan style painting; Wayang Kulit or shadow puppeteering; the Mask arts; Gamelan music and orchestras.
You will also be able to follow in the footsteps of Walter Spies and Rudolph Bonnet, celebrated expatriate artists, not only in the pursuit of beauty but also in the pursuit of Balinese ways of life - catching frogs and eels by moonlight in the paddy fields, practicing Balinese dance with the children as they studiously perfect the beautiful forms of worship they will send to the Gods and their people; by meeting the practitioners and masters of the arts of Bali in their studios and workshops.